Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Want to learn more about Lee Chen? Ask him a question now and we will display it here!

What are the main differences between SmartLee University and SmartLee Services?

SmartLee University courses are designed to help you learn about the topics in depth while SmartLee Services simply help you get things done. If you have a choice, Lee strongly recommend you choosing SmartLee University. Although taking longer, you will learn a new skill - definitely worth your time!

Pop-up events sound interesting. I want to hear an example of the pop-up events!

Pop-up events are really rare, they depend on Lee and the hosting organisation's schedules. Whenever possible, Lee joins Dalhousie University's Community Volunteer Income Tax Programme (CVITP) tax clinic, helps clients with their tax returns for free, and provides guidance to student volunteers.

What is SmartLee Community?

SmartLee Community is an online community for Lee Online members to seek help, share anything, and learn from each other. Everyone is welcome! Currently SmartLee Community is set up on Google Groups.